wednesday la hari yang paling malang sekali..every kejadian malang yang sya alami akan berlaku pada hari wednesday..sya xingat every kejadian malang tuu tapi last wednesday ada kejadian yang boleh dikira amat malang sekali..
as known..last wednesday was my flight back to sabah to spend my 2 weeks MC..my flight supposed to be at 9.45 am..so i woke up as early as 4 am to get ready..abeyohs sent me to the kL sentral as he must go to work..so that i took the RM9 bus to LCCT..i reached early at LCCT..before 8..after scanning my bag i went to the check-in counter..when i reached my purse to take out my IC but then i found my IC were not in the slot where usually i put..suddenly i remember that i exchange to my other purse..the small purse because i went to Penang & easy if i use the small purse..i do exchange back to the normal purse..i do put back all the banks card dll..but i didn't put the IC back..
pergggghhh..that time i memang menggelabah xingat!!!!!!!..i terus call abeyohs..& i dh sedia tadah telinga i untuk dimarah..& yes..i kena marah!!!..so abeyohs went to Ampang to take my IC..i've called aunt hanim to take my IC at my wardrobe..i told si mumy that i cant manage to get on my flight..but si mumy said sempat lagi tuu..still got 45 minutes before the counter closed..yes memang sempat if the airport & Ampang were just 5km & without traffic jammed..but..unfortunately..the LCCT airport was far far far away from KL..from Ampang..tambah lagi traffic jammed..so no other way..i've to wait abeyohs to come & buy a new fresh ticket..
abeyohs reached LCCT at 10 something..then took number for ticket purchasing..i thought i manage get the 11.15am flight but xdapat..so i bought the 12.50pm flight..by cash!!..huh!!!..i really felt regret what i've done..i yang cuai actually!!!..& yes i memang perlu kena marah..but thanks God!..nobody yang marah gila2..just bebel2 je..i think they feel sorry to me juga tuu..heeee..
yet..today is wednesday..but this wednesday went well..in the morning i went shopping with my mum..had sweet & sour fish & terung sambal in the afternoon..then went back to dad's kampung at Tambunan for a while..pergi tengok si mama..& thanks God lagi..she's in good condition walaupun dia sudah tua..but she looks stronger lagi..
now..i want to sleep because tomorrow mau pergi tamu!!..see ya..take care!
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