ok!..u..blog..tv & astro's channels will be my friend yaa..tqvm..muah...huhu
flight abeyohs pkl 7am nti..will reach klate after 45mins..fly back to kL on sunday evening..so..nmpk gayanya next week baru blh jumpa...phewwww..
but in the same time..i'm praying hard for the smoothness..hopefully all the mission doing well..bring back a good news wahai abeyohs..love u..muah!!..(wlpn blh dpt result as soon as hbs mission tuu)..huhu
ok!..piala thomas tlh hilang dr pandangan..LCW..koo-tan..WCH..smu kalah..tp xsuka team china..blagak seh..especially LD..& the coaches too..LD siap buka baju tuu..nk tjk body ketul2 la tu..siap dancing2 lagiiii...alih2 kena booo..hahahahah..mmg show off!!!..try next season malaysia team..anyhow..i still heart u all..
ok..mau titun..take care..

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