- got new job..at the same firm..diff dept..tp sya xbrp nk suka..later i story mory..
- last tuesday tgk movie The Spy Next Door with abeyohs..sgt best!..sgt funny!..enjoyable!
- counting days to JULY 2010...*wink*
- looking for extra moneyyyy...
- cant wait for the girl's day out..heeeeeee...
- tomorrow TGIF..then weekend..then PH..CNY's coming...yeah!!
- little bit sad..sbb xblh clbrte CNY at KP..missed u all there..mau ANGPAU byk2...
- little bit frustrated!!!!...damn!!!
- no appetite lately..only eat lunch time..phewwwww......
- not enough sleep..too many in the thinking box!
- burrppp!!!..byk sgt angin dlm badan..
solution.............SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!...needs pedicure manicure too...=p

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