January 4, 2011

macam-macam mau...

Posted by Aly Alberta at 12:30 PM

haluuu..2nd day working in 2011..phewwwww..still running last year report..system date pun belum tukar lagi..still 31.12.2010..huhu..my department almost done..only a few record yang belum dapat jawapan..my department’s neighbour  laa yang kelam kabut kelibut..sya rasa dorang xbuat keja kot sepanjang 2010..dah 2011 baru sibuk nak buat 2010 punya kejaa..balik nak awal saja..keja 1 apa pun xjalan..dah last2 minute pandai minta orang lain tolong..bangang!!!

anyway, after i do some blogwalking i realized that everybody ada wish list/resolutions..but sya tarak!!..mana boleh..sya pun mau jugaaaa..dan2..hahahaha..tapi sya xmau namakannya sebagai wish list..sya mau namakannya ‘apa yang saya perlu buat dalam 2011..hahahaha..skema seh!!

ok!..apa yang saya perlu buat dalam 2011??..what i need/have to do in 2011??


number 1 – have to apply driving license..ye..sya belum ada driving license..believe it or not??..huhu

number 2 – have to read more & more & more..sebab knowledge sya makin lama makin menurun..1 apa pn xtau..

number 3 – need to attend more courses..especially the important course..kalau xattend xboleh kahwin!!!!..hahaha

number 4 – have to explore, learn & do on DIY stuffs..save budget!!!..& it’s quite cool juga..sweet some more!

number 5 – perlu melihat buku/majalah/laman web hiasan dalaman..hahahaha..nanti ada rumah sendiri senang!!!..

number 6 – need to up kan lagi saving to buy DSLR..kalau simpan sikit2 alamatnya xdapat laaa…

number 7 – have to gain more weight..sbb now underweight..nanti bila2 pg klinik mesti doctor tegur lagiii...

number 8 - have to be more concentrate on the biggest project..

number 9 - need to think a name of the biggest project..kalau JSD amacam??..cool x??

number 10 – need to read on life after marriage!!!!..hahahahaha..ok yang ni poyo!!!

ok!..dah..itu saja..kalau banyak2 pun xtercapai nanti..cukup la 10..eh 9…hahahaha..

till the next post..


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